Thursday, November 27, 2008


People see what the want to see. That's just how we all are. We fear what we don't understand and cherish everything we do. Why is it that we always remember what we want to forget, but forget what we want to remember? These memories are testing time and just like the stars, they're always in place, always accessible, always remembered. The things we don't want to remember haunt us, but so do the things we forget. Digging in our minds only uncovers the bad things we've done while the good things are harder to find. Why? Keep digging, they say. You'll find it. But you never do. You always remember something when you least expect it, or when you aren't even searching. The little things, a brush of wind, the scampering of squirrels, the distant laugh; all of these add up to a memory you are trying to find. The good ones are harder to remember because you forget the good things in life while concentrating on the bad; the NOW. It'll pass. Surely it will. But how long will it be before that smile crosses your face again? The laughter of the past always shines in the darkness. Memories keep us in the past while dreams sail us into the future. Those future memories, the ones that are waiting to be remembered even before they've happened, they haunt. They haunt because they can. They haunt us because we anticipate them. Will they be good? Will they be bad? Just wait and let them happen, then choose what to remember.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I remember the first time I ever saw him it was seven years ago and I remember it as if it was only yesterday. I knew I wanted to spend forever with him. He is wonderful! He always knows how to make me laugh, sometimes he makes me cry, but he always knows how to make me feel like I’m one in a million. What we have is special it could never be forced with us it comes natural. He is always there for me through the good times and bad times, if I need him he never leaves my side. He is my best friend, my fiancĂ©, and soon he will be my husband. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with someone as wonderful as he is. Falling in love is not easy to do but we have fallen and we’re never letting go. No matter what we are always going to be there for each other until the end.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I am tired, but not like a normal tired were you can sleep and get rest.

My mind is tired, I feel broken and complete all at the same time.
Could this be or am I going crazy.

I lost my grandma, my husband got a great job teaching, and my baby girl turned 5
ALL on the same day.

I want to scream, run, be there, cry, laugh.

What is the matter with me?

My emotions are being pulled every which way.
I want to be in control of my feelings, but I just cant.

I am feeling emotions I do not want to feel when I should be grieving,
and feeling emotions I do not want to feel when I should be happy.

I want to be calm like a ocean right before a storm.

I need, NO I WANT to feel free of my fears of being inconsiderate.

I have the right to be sad, glad, scared, and elated ALL at the same time, right?

Am I a bad person for still seeing the Good in my Life?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Some Say Its a Mixture of Emotions
Some Say It Cannot Be Explained
I Wonder Why They Say That
Is It Because They Have Never Loved
Or have Never Been In Love

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Te Od!o PeRo Te AmO aT tHe SaMe T!Me

You blew me away the first time i heard your voice I said to myself "Oh wow este chico tiene que ser Para mi" You were just perfect for me there was nobody else for me than you

Tu me hacias arastrar la cobija y me tenias cacheteando las banquetas Wow...eras mi cielo, mi sol, mi luna y las estrellas, Eras mi pan de cada dia...

Te ame tanto que hasta porti pense matarme cortarme las venas Lo dejaria todo porque you would be with me right this moment pero no lo estas y te odio por eso

If only you could have been more patient and had valued me like i deserve You would have been so happy with me and not kept away from this world

Me duele decirlo pero te odio
, te odio como nunca Te odio porque como tu nunca encontrare a alguien mas Te odio because you didn't know how to value me for who i was Porque no me pudiste esperar Te odio por ser como eres
Pero lo que odio mas es... AMARTE

Because i can't help who to love and although you were never here for me physically you were always here emotionally and mentally Y por eso TE ODIO

Pues me ensenaste todo pero no me ensenaste a olvidarte
Te odio con la misma pasion y fuerza con la cual te AMO Pero tengo que olvidarte

I am from...

I am from a family full of drama
They tend to be loud and annoying
Sometimes I can't stand them!
But would die without them!

I am from I don't care what others think
I am from treat me as
You would like to be treated

I am from sleeping in on weekends
Hanging out with friends
Horseback riding and enjoying life

I am from a Mexican family
Moms home made rice and tortillas
Huapangos, corridos, and family bbq's

I am from jeans and t-shirts
Flip flops and vans
Being comfortable and confident

I am from competing with siblings
Being successful in life
Achieving my goals

I am from knowing that everything
Happens for a reason
I am from speak-from the heart

I am me and forever will be ME!