Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Pocket full of Trees...

I love to hug trees. I'd hug them right now, but I'm not. Curious eyes will start to stare, perhaps chuckle, and I'm not one to entertain. Besides, I'd probably stumble over something and try to catch my own fall with some minor cussing. Who knows-but I'm clumsy as hell, and not a lot of people know that. Anywho, about these trees...with the many I see around here with the exception of the trio that live before me-Panam could have more. My mom says that I have a 'pocket full of trees', because I seem to love them so. If Bella (my dog; my daughter; my pit; my head tilter) could talk back, she'd probably tell me to feed her more and not be daydreaming over a tree. I'm glad she doesn't...she's the bonecrusher afterall, and who knows what the outcome would be.
The sound of water is sooooo relaxing...almost seductive-well, extremely sexy. The closer I am to the sound, the more I feel relaxed. Oh my, the music I now hear-the trombone. What a fascinating insturment indeed. The bass-sounds as if the trombone is playing games with the H2O I hear splashing. If I were barbaric-wait!...sometimes I am...but what if I were feeling like unleashing my inner barbaric-ness, I'd rip off my clothes like a beast and throw myself in this water, without a care in the world. Now I must tinkle....
So, I'm back and I now hear a guitar. I only heard it for a short while, but the water-still very soothing. I saw a woman with silver hair pass by with a huge suitcase. She's probably carrying a dead body in there. I'm waiting for the guitar sound to distract me, because I feel like jumping into that little circle of water with no clothes-no cotton. Ugh, I don't like being around a couple of love birds. Okay, she likes you-you like her- so just kiss and jet. And this guitar sound-sounds too churchy. I told the guy playing it-he smiled. What a great...quick distraction-this group of young men-music men. They seem interesting. One of them had long wavy hair, looked like hundreds of tattoos, and a Pink Floyd tee shirt on. he was remarkably quiet. I figured he bust out into heavy metal mode, release his tied hair, and start head banging. He didn't. Another guy looked as if he was one of the members of the Big Bad VooDoo Daddy. He wasn't. He laughed pretty funny-made me chuckle. You know, I like musical fellas-they sing to me. Whatever the genre-I appreciate it. Even in this case-the churchy sound, mixed with a slight sound of country and classical-all worth absorbing while I sit here listening to the water splash.

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