Thursday, November 27, 2008


People see what the want to see. That's just how we all are. We fear what we don't understand and cherish everything we do. Why is it that we always remember what we want to forget, but forget what we want to remember? These memories are testing time and just like the stars, they're always in place, always accessible, always remembered. The things we don't want to remember haunt us, but so do the things we forget. Digging in our minds only uncovers the bad things we've done while the good things are harder to find. Why? Keep digging, they say. You'll find it. But you never do. You always remember something when you least expect it, or when you aren't even searching. The little things, a brush of wind, the scampering of squirrels, the distant laugh; all of these add up to a memory you are trying to find. The good ones are harder to remember because you forget the good things in life while concentrating on the bad; the NOW. It'll pass. Surely it will. But how long will it be before that smile crosses your face again? The laughter of the past always shines in the darkness. Memories keep us in the past while dreams sail us into the future. Those future memories, the ones that are waiting to be remembered even before they've happened, they haunt. They haunt because they can. They haunt us because we anticipate them. Will they be good? Will they be bad? Just wait and let them happen, then choose what to remember.

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